Why These Tiny Ocean Creatures Are Eating Plastic | National Geographic

When plastic trash degrades in the ocean, it doesn’t just go away: It becomes countless tiny particles, and little creatures called larvaceans sweep it up–and into the food chain.
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Wherever plastic garbage end up in the ocean, it brings danger for wildlife. And it’s even making its way to the seafloor. National Geographic Explorer Kakani Katija of the Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute has led a study into the feeding habits of larvaceans, creatures that make up part of the ocean’s plankton. They take in large amounts of water, passing it through a filter to catch tiny particles of food. But they’re also catching ‘microplastics,’ tiny bits of garbage, and sending it with their waste to the ocean depths.

READ: Ocean Life Eats Tons of Plastic—Here’s Why That Matters

Why These Tiny Ocean Creatures Are Eating Plastic | National Geographic

National Geographic