Where Has Captain Marvel Been This Whole Time? [Theory Battle]

Has Captain Marvel been hiding out in the Quantum Realm, or chilling on Earth this whole time? Subscribe for more Pitch Meetings: http://goo.gl/ho3Hg6

Captain Marvel is the next film set to hit theaters in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. The MCU is heading back to the 1990’s for this one, and there are a TON of questions regarding the whereabouts of Carol Danvers, AKA Captain Marvel. She’s definitely going to play a huge role in Avengers 4, and hopefully her solo film will give us more details on that. In the meanwhile, there are a ton of fan theories floating around about where she is. In this theory battle, we’re going head-to-head with two amazing theories about Captain Marvel and the kind of role she’s going to play in the MCU.


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