What If Ready Player One Is A Prequel To The Matrix?

Could Ready player One really be showing us a world leading up to the events of The Matrix? Subscribe to our channel: http://goo.gl/ho3Hg6

The Matrix has stood on its own for several years now, with talks of a reboot or sequel going nowhere, but what if there was a secret prequel released and we didn’t even know it?! The movie in question is another Warner Bros property, entitled Ready Player One. Sure, on the surface, a virtual reality world based on video games may not have a direct link to The Matrix, but once you break down details and connections, things become a little more clear. We can find a number of connections and ways that Ready Player One actually connects to The Matrix and provides fans with a compelling theory on how the two worlds will connect.

The OASIS and The Matrix may have different names, but there are ways the computer worlds actually connect to each other and provide a build-up for the true rise of the machines. How was Neo formed and why was he the One? Well, in today’s What If, we will break everything down for you, showcase the world of The Matrix and how Ready Player One can truly create a basis for the story. We will explore all aspects of The Matrix, including Agent Smith, Neo, and the rise of the machines. Could Wade Watts have caused the destruction of mankind and led to the formation of the Matrix? Watch as we break all of the details down and present you with the biggest “What if?” situation. Then don’t forget to subscribe to Screenrant, comment, and give your own thoughts on the theory!

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