We want the children – Torchwood: Children of Earth – BBC

From their temporary base Gwen, Ianto and Clement listen in on the Government as 456 makes its demands of Frobisher. The 456 want a gift, they want the children. Clement remembers the first time the 456 came to Earth in 1965, and when a familiar face emerges from the shadows his distress is all too apparent. Dramatic clip taken from the third season of Torchwood. Watch more high quality videos on the new BBC America YouTube channel here: http://www.youtube.com/bbcamericatv Find out more about Torchwood on the BBC America website here:http://www.bbcamerica.com/content/262/index.jsp. You can also BUY this season through the BBC America Shop here: http://www.bbcamericashop.com/search-results.html?kword=Torchwood&cat_id=