Watch Dogs Game Preview 8-bit Game Review

Hacker attacker Aiden Pearce is UbiSoft’s new anti-hero. Norbit uncovers some other Chicago-based gaming and movie titles, including one of his favs – the Blues Brothers.

Watch Dogs hits the street November 19th, 2013 and a movie is around the corner as UbiSoft is teaming with Columbia Pictures to develop this informational warfare gamer into a big screen movie franchise.

What are you hoping to see in the Watch Dogs game? Do you think it will make a good movie? Comment below!

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Other movies and games mentioned in this episode:
The Matrix
Bourne Identity
The Blues Brothers
Home Alone
Mean Girls
Cruisin’ USA (Chicago)
Eagle Eye
Enemy of the State
Mission Impossible

music by Norwood Cheek – twitter @polavision