TOP GEAR Africa Special: The Journey Begins – March 11 BBC AMERICA

Watch an exclusive sneak peek of TOP GEAR and join the TG crew in preparing for their journey across Africa – then, don’t miss the all new episode *** premiering MON MARCH 11 at 9/8c *** only on BBC AMERICA.

JEREMY, RICHARD and JAMES are in Africa with a simple mission: to find the definitive source of the Nile.

Over the years many explorers claim to have already done just that, but the TOP GEAR trio believe that they can do better by traveling further and faster than any exploration team in history using only grit, ingenuity… and three aging estate cars.

But JAMES is already modifying his car, and JEREMY’s shower was too cold, and well, they’re all ganging up on the Hamster. This can’t end well!