TOP 9 Cheeky Easter Eggs in DEADPOOL 2

OUR FAVORITE EASTER EGGS IN DEADPOOL 2. Deadpool 2 was one of the most eagerly anticipated movies of 2018 and it didn’t disappoint. With the humour we’ve come to expect, there are some great references to other films and characters, and we’re going to tell you all about them.

This is TheGamer’s list of 9 Cheeky Easter Eggs in Deadpool 2.

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It takes a lot for a new superhero movie to stand out in a crowded field, but that’s exactly what Deadpool did when it hit cinemas in early 2016. This wisecracking and filthy mouthed Marvel comic book hero became a new icon for a new generation who had got a bit bored with cleaner heroes. One of the many things we loved about him was that he kinda knew he was a comic book character, so the film had plenty of pop culture references. Now that the sequel has recently been released, that was still the case, only more so, and today we’re going to tell you about some of the Easter Eggs.

While Deadpool 2 was a big deal, Avengers: Infinity War was perhaps even bigger. Both films had one thing in common: Josh Brolin, who played Thanos in Infinity War and plays Cable in Deadpool 2. When Cable got too annoying for Wade Wilson, he was told “zip it, Thanos.” There’s also a nod to classic comedy This Is Spinal Tap, not to mention a reference to Ryan Reynold’s friend Taylor Swift and her cats. You’ll also learn about references to other MCU movies like Black Panther and, of course, X-Men. In fact, we’ll even tell you about iconic Canadian X-Men spin-off Alpha Flight and how the guys who didn’t capture Wolverine got a nod on Dopinder’s taxi. Thanks for watching and don’t forget to subscribe to TheGamer!


Script by: Peter Henn

Voice Over by: Wes Beach

Edited by: Wes Beach

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