The Impact And Legacy Of Freddy vs Jason

Believe it or not, Freddy vs Jason changed cinema forever! Subscribe to our channel:

When you think of iconic horror movies, there are classics like Scream and the Exorcist, and then there are the major event films like Freddy vs. Jason. Sure, the movie isn’t a cinematic masterpiece, but the goal and effort behind the movie has led to some long-lasting on Hollywood as a whole. Watch as we dive deep into the world of Freddy and Jason, showcasing the development of the movie, how it actually got made, the crazy delays that went into it and the legacy it has left behind.

Relive some iconic Freddy Krueger moments, learn about the history of A Nightmare Elm Street and see how these horror villains finally crossed paths. The success of Freddy vs Jason proved that modern cinema could have some major crossover appeal — and yes, we are talking about the formation of the MCU and DCEU. Extended universes are now common ground and movie can expand beyond the world they were built in. A large part of this is in thanks to Freddy vs. Jason. The production of the movie was no easy task though, because there were several hurdles New Line had to cross to get the film made. Relive the crazy history and learn things you never knew before about the horror franchise we all love! This includes alternate endings, deleted scenes, and where a Freddy vs. Jason sequel could have gone. How did this impact The Conjuring and other movie franchises?! Well, we break everything down for you today so watch and enjoy the documentary on the Impact and Legacy of Freddy vs. Jason!

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