The Diary of Preston Plummer – Trailer

Preston Plummer meets Kate and decides to go on a road trip to her hometown, an island in Florida. There, Preston witnesses an unexplained rift between Kate’s grandfather, John, and her parents, Emily and Walter. John soon reveals a horrible secret to Preston about Kate’s past. Preston approaches Kate about what he has learned. Kate becomes enraged. She believes what her mother told her — that John raped her and she blocked it out. Preston tells John that Kate will never believe him. Upset, John stumbles into Emily and Walter’s hotel and kills himself. The suicide shakes Kate deeply. She soon finds Preston’s audio diary. His recordings reveal how deeply he cares about her. Kate realizes that John was telling the truth all along. Emily insists she did it all to give them a good home. Devastated, Kate runs out to the ocean. Preston catches her and reveals his love for her. She calms slightly and they return to shore together. They know they are in love. Perhaps that is enough for now.
MPAA Rating: TV-14 © 2011 Wonder Entertainment dba Diary Film .