The DCEU: Why Has It Gone So Wrong?

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The DCEU is the shared movie universe, distributed by Warner Bros, for DC’s iconic superheroes like Batman, Superman and Wonder Woman.

The movies in the franchise so far have been Man of Steel (2013), Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (2016), Suicide Squad (2016), Wonder Woman (2017) and Justice League (2017).

It’s fair to say it hasn’t gone as smoothly as the people behind it would have liked – only Wonder Woman has truly been universally liked – and in this documentary, we’ll take a look at why that’s been the case.

Factors include there not being one person driving the franchise, the lack of consistency in terms of the movies’ formulas, and the rushed nature of the franchise’s bigger installments.

It also hasn’t helped matters that the franchise is regularly compared to the Dark Knight Trilogy (which it directly followed), the TV Arrowverse (which proves live action DC projects CAN still be fantastic), and the Marvel Cinematic Universe (DC’s direct rivals who are totally nailing the movie thing right now).

But there IS still time to reverse the franchise’s fortunes – and they can start this year with Aquaman, which has the potential to be fantastic if it’s done right!

There’s so much untapped potential in DC’s comic books, just waiting to be adapted into awesome movies!

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