The Amazing Spider Man 2 Full Movie All Cutscenes

The Amazing Spider Man 2 All Cutscenes Movie Full Story
Spider-Man Edge Of Time Movie ►

The game begins with Peter having a flashback to the night Uncle Ben was killed. He has a flashback of him fleeing a deli drinking a bottle of chocolate milk when a burglar raids a store. The cashier asks for Peters help but Peter says “It’s not my problem” and walks away. He begins walking home when he hears someone cry for help and a gunshot sounds off. Peter investigates and to his horror discovers Uncle Ben lying on the ground bleeding, where he eventually dies.

Skipping ahead, Spider-Man is out on patrol now searching for the killer. After being attacked by a gang, Spider-Man manages to make the ringleader tell him where he got his weapons. He reveals he got them from Herman Schultz. He heads to the construction site downtown and defeats Herman Schultz men, and almost has Schultz until he manages to escape. Frustrated at losing Schultz, Peter then follows a lead on Dennis Carradine, who is suspected to be the man who killed Uncle Ben. He tracks Carradine using the city’s radio transmissions.