Tesla Model 3 Vs. Genesis G70 – Battle For The Future?

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As electrification continues to grow in popularity around the world, we’re seeing a huge shift in vehicle technology among car brands with #Tesla leading the change in what people are demanding in today’s modern cars. In previous years, compact sport sedans were often the vehicle of choice for younger drivers looking to make their first big purchase fresh out of college. Today, both Tesla and #Genesis are the newcomers on the block with the #Model3 being the first all-electric sport sedan to offer over 300 miles of range with either RWD or available dual motor AWD. While the all-new 2019 #G70 offers a more traditional approach with two turbocharged gasoline engines, standard RWD or AWD, and the availability of an enthusiast friendly 6-speed manual transmission on 2.0T Sport trims. For the first time ever, we have two compact sport sedans from new brands designed to not only steal sales from Germany, but give this new tech savvy buyers a glimpse into the future of motoring… But which one is actually the better option?