Sonic The Hedgehog: From Video Game To Movie

Sonic the hedgehog is the newest blockbuster hit movie to launch in 2020, with that said, alot of us gamers have kinda been wondering what the video game company that created the Sega Genesis has been doing the last 30 years!?

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While there are dozens of game companies trying to earn their spot in the limelight right now, one legacy company is trying desperately not to fade into obscurity, Sega. That’s right, the company that defined childhoods with the Sega Master System, the Genesis/Master Drive, and Dreamcast is still around, even if it mostly sticks to the software side of gaming today.

Sega’s story is a fascinating one, though, and packed with some of the gaming industry. Then again, the company also kicked off some of the worst trends in gaming, like blatant trend-chasing and unsustainable market saturation. Today though, Sega is putting out some of the best games on the market, even if most people don’t realize these amazing titles are coming from them.

That’s right, in this video TheBinger is going to dig deep into Sega’s past, present, and future. We will cover everything from the company’s one of a kind rise and fall, Sega’s current broad spectrum of games, and the company’s future projects. This means that this video is going to dig into everything from the disastrous Sonic 06, to the masterful Yakuza series, and even the upcoming Persona 5 Royal.

So, if you want to learn more about one of the biggest and strangest names in the history of gaming, this video is an absolute must-watch. Of course, this is doubly true if you’re a longtime Sega fanboy or a younger gamer who wants to learn about the gaming fads that you mostly missed out on. Everyone is welcome on this Sega deep dive.

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