PS5: The Controller Knows You

Everything YOU need to know about Sony’s upcoming PS5 controller system, pre-orders and how to get one FIRST!

A pre-pre order system is in place on which heavily favors pre-existing Playstation Network members. You have to register using your PSN ID, leaving first time potential buyers, XBoxers, and PS3 and earlier players behind. You’ll be able to order only one console for your household, as well as two of each peripheral should your heart desire them. We don’t have a definitive number on how many consoles will release, as we are certain they are calculating the exact number based on supply and demand to be able to corner the market and leave just enough people wanting more, but we know that they are looking to produce 9 to 10 million units, no small number, so not too many gamers should go next gen hungry, so to speak.

Also on the docket for today, we came across a new patent that could make the DualSense controller one of the most unique console controllers in history. Using new technology it would be able to recognize who you are by your grip and log you right in to your PSN account. So in theory, you could pick up a DualSense anywhere in the world if you are a registered PS5 user and you would be immediately recognized and logged in. Better not commit any major online gaming sins or you might find yourself unable to play anywhere.


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