Premiere big mountain ski cross event – Daron Rahlves Banzai Tour 2012

Head up to the slopes
The Rahlves’ Banzai Tour, the premier big mountain skier and boarder-cross event in the U.S., concluded this past weekend at Sugar Bowl Resort in California. This year’s tour took place at four Lake Tahoe, California resorts including Squaw Valley, Alpine Meadows, Kirkwood Mountain Resort and Sugar Bowl Resort. The event featured head to head action with four competitors at a time, racing down a course featuring all natural terrain and snow conditions.

It was the ultimate test of skiing and riding skills. Saturday’s qualifying event ranked the top 32 Men’s and top 16 Women’s skiers and snowboarders, advancing them into Sunday’s finals and a shot at winning the tour title in their respective categories. The top two competitors in each round advanced through the brackets until the remaining four athletes battled it out for the podium and title of Banzai Champ.


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