Post your video for the Doctor Who “Best of” Christmas Special!

Whovian with a ukelele StopItsGingerTime has a message for you….

“TARDIS In The Snow” by stopitsgingertime

We want you to be in the next Doctor Who “Best of” Christmas Special!

Submit your most charming, witty, funny, delightful answers as a YouTube response video and your clip just might appear on the upcoming “Doctor Who: Best of the Christmas Specials” program on BBC America or online!

• Would you rather go sleigh riding with a Dalek or make snow angels with an Ood?

• Would you rather ride with Santa in his sleigh or The Doctor in his TARDIS?

• Would you rather find yourself under mistletoe with a Weeping Angel or The Silence?

• Would you rather spend Christmas traveling with the Doctor or relaxing at home with Amy and Rory?

• Would you rather eat fish fingers and custard or a traditional Christmas dinner?

• Would you rather see Santa Claus come down your chimney or the Doctor land in your yard?

• Would you rather find a Sonic Screwdriver in your stocking or a TARDIS under your Christmas tree?

Need instructions on how to submit a video response on YouTube?

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