POKEMON THEORY: Is This The End Of All Pokemon?

THIS IS HOW POKEMON WILL END. THE END OF ALL POKEMON. Nintendo Video Game Theory. Pokemon Game Theory.

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THE GREAT POKEMON WAR. Pokemon is known for being a family-friendly franchise for all ages, but could there be an event that happened in the Pokemon world years before the games that will make you look at the series completely differently?

This is Gameology: The Great POKEMON War That Nearly Destroyed The World.

Do you believe The Great Pokemon War actually happened in the world of Pokemon?
Do you know of any other video game theories?

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Who doesn’t love Pokémon? Being able to raise 6 cute little creatures into powerful monsters capable of defeating the Elite Four and helping you become the Pokémon champion has a certain charm to it. You grow an attachment to the Pokémon in your party and your bond with them only gets stronger throughout your journey in one of the many regions in the world. We personally love the Gold, Silver and Crystal games because you get to travel to both Johto and Kanto. It’s an amazing franchise for all ages that will take you on an adventure you will never forget. But, while the game is family friendly, there may be one huge dark secret behind the world of Pokémon that you’ve never thought of before. Could the Pokémon world be recovering from a horrific event? Could there have been a large-scale war involving both man and Pokémon?

The answer is yes, there definitely might have been a large-scale war involving all regions of the Pokemon world. Pokemon centers are everywhere because they used to be hospitals for wounded soldiers and Pokemon. Gyms are a way for you to test your strength and learn from those who have been training Pokemon much longer than you..but could they be war veterans training the next group of soldiers how to use Pokemon in battle? Could the Pokemon champion actually be the commander of a Pokemon army? Did Team Rocket start the war? All these questions will be answered.

This all might sounds crazy, but by the end of this video, you’ll be a Pokemon conspiracy theorist in no time.


Script by: Justin Pietrodarchi

Voice Over by: Justin Freitas

Edited by: Dan Schiffmacher

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Music by: fishheadmuzic
Tracks used: “The Choice” “The Rival” “Fight!”
For more infos check @fishheadmuzic
or www.youtube.com/user/djthefishhead

Pokemon Red Gameplay (Spazbo4):

Pokemon Blue Gameplay (Mariofan98):

Pokemon Diamond Gameplay (Mariofan98): http://www.longplays.org/downloads.php?cat_id=17&download_id=7179

Pokemon FireRed Gameplay (hdclob):

Pokemon Pearl Gameplay (The Pokémon Freak):