Leopards vs. Python Snake | National Geographic

A mother leopard starts a fight with a rock python, Africa’s largest snake species.
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One morning in South Africa’s Kruger National Park, a leopard cub spies something in the brush and approaches as if engaging an opponent. The cub’s mother comes over to investigate, taking the forward position against the hidden target. A few swipes of the paw draw out the hoped-for prey, but it’s no easy kill. A rock python, the largest species of snake in Africa, strikes, forcing the leopard to jump back, and giving it the opportunity to make a momentary escape. But the leopard is up for a fight, and with its young watching, the four-legged predator squares off against the legless one. Also watching from very close range that day, July 4, 2016, were a safari guide and tour group, filming the wild struggle and remarking in amazement at the sight.

READ more in “Watch a Huge Snake Battle a Mother Leopard and Cub”

LEARN about leopards.

Leopards vs. Python Snake | National Geographic

National Geographic