JUSTICE LEAGUE w/ Ben Affleck, Jason Momoa, Ray Fisher + VR Experience

Can’t wait until Friday? Well, if you’re counting the minutes until Justice League, DC All Access is here to help as Tiffany heads to London for the Justice League VR Experience. After that she drops in to talk to Ben Affleck, Jason Momoa and Ray Fisher about their experience making the movie, what they’re most excited for fans to see, and how Justice League ties in with Zack Snyder’s previous films in unexpected ways.

Five comics to read after seeing Justice League: http://www.dccomics.com/blog/2017/11/14/five-comics-to-read-after-seeing-justice-league

Danny Elfman discusses the Justice League score: http://www.dccomics.com/blog/2017/11/08/heroic-homecoming-danny-elfman-returns-to-score-justice-league

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