Ivory’s Historical Connection to the Slave Trade | National Geographic

“Throughout history, human trafficking and ivory trafficking have been linked,” says investigative journalist Bryan Christy. In Zanzibar, he visits the home of Tippu Tib, an Arab merchant notorious for trafficking thousands of people and ivory tusks out of Africa during the 1800s.
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Explorer: Warlords of Ivory episode page:

How Killing Elephants Finances Terror in Africa:
Ivory Trade and Slave Trade Linked Throughout History: http://voices.nationalgeographic.com/2015/09/04/video-ivory-trade-and-slave-trade-linked-throughout-history/

PRODUCER/VIDEOGRAPHER: J.J. Kelley and Toby Strong
PRODUCER: John Heminway
EDITOR: Katy Andres
PHOTOGRAPHS: Courtesy of the Ivoryton Library Association

Ivory’s Historical Connection to the Slave Trade | National Geographic

National Geographic