Is Hulk A Skrull OR Did Doctor Strange Use The Time Stone? | Theory Battle

Which of these two Marvel theories do you think comes out on top? Subscribe to ScreenRant:

In the aftermath of Avengers: Infinity War, everyone is talking about what’s to come, and theorizing about what’s happened in the MCU. Today we’ll look at two theories and YOU will decide which one seems more true.

The first theory claims that The Incredible Hulk has been a Skrull since Thor: Ragnarok. This means that the shapshifting alien race known as the Skrulls would have picked up Hulk sometime after the events of Age of Ultron and replaced him with one of their own. This would explain Bruce Banner’s strange behaviour over the past few movies, as well as why the Hulk wouldn’t come out to play and why he was so easily defeated by Thanos.

The next theory says that Doctor Strange actually used the time stone and that the one that Thanos used during The Snap was actually a time stone from the past that was sent forward in time by Strange himself. This might explain why the Infinity Gauntlet was ruined after the finger snap and could possibly set up Doctor Strange’s plan to reverse all the damage Thanos did.

Which of these theories do you think has legs? What are some other theories we should put to the test in future videos?


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