How Well Do You Know Movies? – LIVE QUIZ MojoTrivia!

How well do you know movies? Come test your knowledge at MojoTrivia, a LIVE QUIZ SHOW brought to you by MojoTalks! Stick around until the very to get a chance at winning some prizes!

Everyone who gets a question right, your name is put in a hat! We will pick a winner every Wednesday! So make sure to tune in!

If you win and are called out, send us an email at knowyourmojo [at] watchmojo [dot] com! And we’ll get back to you with details on how you can claim your prize.

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MojoTalks is a brand new channel from WatchMojo that covers all of the topics and categories that you love in a Talk format! Our in-house experts will interview, debate and breakdown all the latest news and releases in Movies, TV, Video Games and Pop Culture. Stick around, we’ll talk you through it!