How To Build A Rocket (From Scratch)

Turn random household items into a fully functional hobby rocket, for under $10. In this video you’ll see how to build the “Randomizer” Rocket, from scratch.
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Next Video: The Hot Wire Styro-Slicer: Coming Soon!
Previous Video: How To Make Fire-Resistant Rocket Wadding (For Pennies):

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For other project videos, check out

Playlist: Build and Launch a Rocket (From the ground up):

How To Make A “Randomizer” Rocket:
How To Make “Screw-Lock” Sugar Rockets:
How To Make Plastic Table-Cover Parachutes:
How To Make Fire-Resistant Rocket Wadding (For Pennies):
How To Make A Rocket Launching Blast-Pad:
How To Make Rocket Igniters (Electric Matches):
How To Make An N64 Rocket Launch Controller:

Social Media Links:


Endcard Links:

Simple Chutes:
Electric Igniters:
Screw-Lock Sugar Rockets:
Randomizer Launch-pad:

Music By:

Music by Scott & Brendo “Kitten Air” Instrumental

Project Inspired By: Ritchie Kinmont with (


This video is only for entertainment purposes. If you rely on the information portrayed in this video, you assume responsibility for the results of your actions. Playing with experimental rockets could result in serious injury, property damage and/or legal ramifications. Have fun, but always think ahead, and remember that every project you try is at YOUR OWN RISK.

Project History & More Info:

This project was inspired by my good friend Ritchie Kinmont with

We collaborated together on a design for a rocket that could be powered by the sugar motors I showed you how to make in a previous video ( made with PVC, sugar, kitty litter, and stump remover.

The new “Screw-Lock” version features threaded PVC risers, that allow the motors to quickly be changed, for faster turn-around times, and they have built in ejection charges for popping out the parachute at apogee.

Last year I promised that if there was enough interest, I’d try to develop a rocket that could be used with the sugar motors .. and my goal was to build a version where the sugar motors could screw onto the bottom of the rocket for convenience.

At the beginning of the year, the Sonic Dad team reached looking to do some kind of a collaboration, and the timing was perfect. So I asked Ritchie if he could help me engineer a sugar rocket.

Ritchie went through a few different designs, but eventually presented to me his “Randomizer Rocket” design, which blew me away. It was so perfect, lightweight, and balanced.

It also has a parachute he incorporated from one of his previous projects, that brings the rocket back perfectly with hardly any modification.

Most rocket clubs won’t let you fly sugar motors, except on special experimental launch days. However, the “Randomizer” rocket can also be used with commercial “Estes” D12-3 and E9-6 black power motors. So if you go with those, there’s a good chance they’ll let you fly your rocket at any club launch.

The rocket can fly over 1,000 feet high, and depending on the winds, can stay in the air for around 5 minutes while it floats back to the ground, so it’s important to be super cautious where, and when, you launch to avoid doing any damage.

This video completes the rocket building series, and I’m really excited to share my passion for building and launching rockets with completely home-made equipment. In my opinion, it’s the best way to learn about how rocketry really works.

I realize most people aren’t very excited by building rockets, but for those who are, I hope you feel the same sense of wonder and awe as I did in building this series.