HARLEY QUINN: 25th Anniversary w/ Paul Dini

Lots of people are happy to see Harley Quinn turn 25, but we suspect few more than Paul Dini! In this DC All Access comics clip, we sit down with the Harley Quinn co-creator to discuss all things Quinzel, from how he first came up with the idea for her to what he thought of Margot Robbie’s take on Harley to how he’ll be spending Batman Day this weekend.

To read the Harley Quinn 25th Anniversary Special digitally: https://www.readdcentertainment.com/Harley-Quinn-25th-Anniversary-Special-2017-1/digital-comic/T1755000015001?ref=c2VhcmNoL2luZGV4L2Rlc2t0b3Avc2xpZGVyTGlzdC90b3BSZXN1bHRzU2xpZGVy

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