DOCTOR WHO Insider EXCLUSIVE: New Season Sept 1 BBC America

“This coming season is going to be the biggest season that we’ve ever had.” – KAREN GILLAN (Amy Pond)

“I think we’re looking bigger and better than ever!” – MATT SMITH (The Doctor)

“The stuff that I’ve seen so far has just blown my mind.” ARTHUR DARVILL (Rory Williams)

Prepare for the Premiere of DOCTOR WHO *** Saturday Sept 1 at 9pm/8c on BBC America *** with this Exclusive Insider look at the All New Season, with never-before-seen interviews with the stars.

Join the Doctor (MATT SMITH), his companions Amy (KAREN GILLAN) and Rory (ARTHUR DARVILL) (aka the Ponds) and numerous friends on their latest escapades through space and time where they puzzle an unexpected invasion of Earth, save a spaceship full of dinosaurs, don Stetsons in a Wild Wild West adventure and are even kidnapped by the Doctor’s oldest foe.

The explosive series concludes with Amy and Rory’s heart-breaking farewell – a race against time through the streets of Manhattan. Will the Doctor really lose the Ponds forever? There’s only one way to find out…

Fourteen big, blockbuster-movie episodes – each a brand new epic adventure featuring new monsters and some familiar foes as you’ve never seen them before.

Plus: Remember when you were new to WHO? It’s time to indoctrinate a new generation! Share your first DOCTOR WHO experience and your most important episode by Tweeting at @bbcamerica with the tag #newtoWHO:

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