Diversion Helps Drone Spy on Suspected Ivory Trafficking | National Geographic

In Lomé, Togo, investigative journalist Bryan Christy learns of a lumberyard thought to be at the center of the illegal ivory trade. As clear outsiders, he and the production crew must find a way to take a closer look without breaking their cover. Befriending some children and showing off their “toy” drone might just be the answer to catching a glimpse of the lumberyard.
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Explorer: Warlords of Ivory episode page:

How Killing Elephants Finances Terror in Africa:

“Toy” Drone Deployed in Ivory Investigation: http://voices.nationalgeographic.com/2015/09/03/video-toy-drone-deployed-in-ivory-investigation/

PRODUCER/VIDEOGRAPHER: J.J. Kelley and Toby Strong
EDITOR: Katy Andres

Diversion Helps Drone Spy on Suspected Ivory Trafficking | National Geographic

National Geographic