DC Comics Art Academy Featuring Lee Bermejo (2017)

Welcome to the DC Comics Art Academy, a series of art tutorials recorded at Comic-Cons featuring many of the gifted and unique artists working for DC today. In today’s installment, Lee Bermejo, the artist behind Joker, Luthor and Suiciders, draws the Clown Prince of Crime himself—the Joker! In the process, he discusses his early days as an artist at WildStorm, who his favorite DC character is and what book he recommends to artists who’d like to draw comics.

To see more of Lee Bermejo’s work, check out his acclaimed graphic novel with Brian Azzarello, Joker: https://www.readdcentertainment.com/Joker-2008/digital-comic/T0592400018301?ref=c2VyaWVzL3ZpZXcvZGVza3RvcC9ncmlkTGlzdC9HcmFwaGljTm92ZWxz

Can’t wait for the next issue of Doomsday Clock? Check out Bermejo and Azzarello’s work in Before Watchmen: Rorschach: https://www.readdcentertainment.com/Before-Watchmen-Rorschach/comics-series/8333?ref=c2VhcmNoL2luZGV4L2Rlc2t0b3Avc2xpZGVyTGlzdC90b3BSZXN1bHRzU2xpZGVy

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