Broadchurch’s DAVID BRADLEY: 3 Questions, 2 Biscuits + 1 Cup of Tea – BBC America

Settle in, and make a cuppa: it’s 3 Questions, 2 Biscuits and 1 Cup of Tea… with DAVID BRADLEY, star of BBC America’s critically-acclaimed new drama BROADCHURCH (new episodes every WEDNESDAY 10/9c, immediately following a new episode of LAW & ORDER: UK) and the upcoming Doctor Who TV film “An Adventure in Space and Time,” where he stars as First Doctor William Hartnell.

DAVID’s appeared in GAME OF THRONES and the HARRY POTTER movies, but find out what talent he wishes he had.

PLUS: discover where DAVID would go if he was invisible… and why the best meal he ever ate was with Gandalf in Japan!

For more information on where to watch BROADCHURCH, visit…

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