Behind the Scenes of Drew Bezanson’s Uncontainable

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Drew Bezanson pushed the absolute limits of what’s capable on a BMX bike in his recently dropped edit, “Uncontainable”. If you haven’t seen it yet, you’re missing out. Do yourself a favor and click the link above.

The setup, the tricks, and that death defying wallride is about as gnarly as it gets, but If you think Bezanson is just a reckless guy on a bike, think again. He’s a professional athlete who will only take calculated and thoroughly thought-out risks after weeks of training and preparation. These set-ups were carefully planned for months; the result of meticulous testing and modifying, and Bezanson worked his way up to every trick, aided by a massive air bag. Take a behind the scenes look at how Drew Bezanson’s crazy BMX film project became a reality.

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