Batman Collection – Largest in the world?!

Batman month may be over, but we found this awesome dude with potentially the largest Batman collection in the world! Subscribe –

Kevin Silva claims to have one of the largest Batman collections in the world. In his home in Indianapolis, he repairs guitar amplifiers by day and collects Batman by night. His collection is stored in his 1200 square foot basement. He has over 1,600 pieces in 8 display cases, three full size Batmans (and a Robin).

Silva’s been collecting Batman paraphernalia since 1966 when he had his 5th birthday. The Batman TV show started six days later on January 12th.

And to quote Kevin: “I saw Batman on a 19″ color TV my dad got us for Christmas ’65. Rocked my world…”

Thanks to Kevin for chatting with us and sharing his collection.

What do you think is the rarest Batman collectable?