America the Beautiful 2 – Trailer

Is Weight gain the biggest health crisis in America or is it weight loss? With our collective waistline expanding faster than ever, dieting has now become a national obsession. In what once was purely a woman’s issue, more and more men are being targeted by advertisers to diet or bulk up to resemble the Adonis images on the cover of men’s magazines. Award-winning filmmaker Darryl Roberts’ provocative new documentary examines America’s dieting craze and use of BMI. Roberts’ witty exploration of America’s unhealthy obsession with dieting and our current obesity crisis takes us on a journey through his pitfalls and triumphs with his own health and into the lives of industry leaders and icons such as Deepak Chopra, Arch Bishop Timothy Dolan and Supermodel Beverly Johnson. MPAA Rating: NOTRATED © 2011 Harley Boy Entertainment.