7 Theories About Where Thor: Ragnarok Could Take The Marvel Cinematic Universe

Thor: Ragnarok has left us with a fair number of unanswered questions about the future of the franchise. 7 Theories About Where Thor: Ragnarok Could Take The Marvel Cinematic Universe! Subscribe to our channel: http://goo.gl/ho3Hg6

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Thor: Ragnarok has now hit theatres around the world and it is receiving universal critical acclaim – and with good reason. It really is a superb movie and it truly elevates the MCU to new, never before seen levels of epicness. It’s action-packed, it’s colourful, it’s side-splittingly funny and it is blowing audiences away. The directions in which the franchise could now go as a result of what we saw in Thor: Ragnarok are extremely intriguing and this video will look at some theories about that very subject. We hope you enjoy it! The theories in question are as follows; that it has subtly introduced some new heroes for the Avengers: Infinity War movie (in the form of Beta Ray Bill, Ares and Man-Thing), that it has opened the door for new godly pantheons to be introduced to the Marvel Cinematic Universe (such as the Greek pantheon, which includes the likes of Zeus, Hercules and the aforementioned Ares, for example), that it has unlocked the possibility of a movie based on the Secret Invasion story happening in the future, that is has also unlocked the possibility of a movie based on the Siege story happening in the future, that it has unlocked the possibility of a movie version of the World War Hulk story happening in the future, that it signifies an increase in the prominence of magic going forward in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and that it has foreshadowed the imminent demise of Chris Hemsworth’s Thor in the franchise.

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