6 Nintendo Games Guaranteed To Ruin Friendships

NINTENDO GAMES THAT WILL LOSE YOU FRIENDS. Playing video games is supposed to be a fun and relaxing activity. Playing with friends changes the experience to turn it into a social event. However, there are some games that have ended friendships.

This is TheGamer’s list of 6 Nintendo games guaranteed to ruin friendships.

What is the worst game to play with friends?
What game made you rage against your friends?

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Today, there are so many ways to experience video games. We have single player, multiplayer, online games and even VR games. However, nothing will beat the wholesomeness of couch co-op, where you get your closest friends together and gather around the TV to play your favorite games. Normally, you have a few laughs, make inside jokes and even motivate each other to succeed and get over a particularly difficult part if you’re playing co-op.

However, there are some games capable of ending these long bonds you have made with these people. All those years you spent with people you thought you cared about, thrown right out the window because someone hit you with a blue shell right before the finish line! Now, I know what you’re saying, “It’s just a game, don’t take it so seriously”. Sure, at the end of the day, it’s just a game. However, these games are designed in such a way that you may not look at your friends the same way again. We’re talking the worst of the worst and they’re all Nintendo games. Why Nintendo!? Why do you have to make games that bring so much joy and misery at the same time!? Today, we’ll be looking at games guaranteed to ruin friendships. So what game has strained a friendship for you? Let us know in the comments down below. If you like the video, be sure to give it a like and follow us on Facebook. As always, don’t forget to subscribe to TheGamer to catch up on the latest gaming content and enjoy the video!


Script by: Zack Latino

Voice Over by: Michael Neeb

Edited by: Valerie M

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