6 Mobile Games Kids Should NEVER Play

There are tons of great titles on the mobile market, but not all of them are kid-friendly or even suitable for teens. Subscribe The Gamer: https://goo.gl/9cpWgf

Kids love to ask questions, and it’s just in their nature to do so. What they shouldn’t be doing is playing the video games on this list because they’re a bit too mature for them, and we’re definitely not ready to explain what is happening in the GTA Hot Coffee mod yet.

In this list, we’re going to check out games your kids should never get their hands on. Now, you could give them Wolfenstein as a gift on their 18th birthday, but that’s completely on you. Otherwise we’re just here to warn you to not do it until then.

We had a few titles which specialized in sniper style gaming like Lonewolf and Optical Inquisitor where you would be rewarded for headshots and revenge kills. Then, there’s games like the Bard’s Tale where the humor is crude, but slightly underhanded. It’s noticeable enough that your children would probably still start to ask questions so it’s probably best to make sure they’re not playing this popular RPG game just yet. You also want to make sure they’re not getting their hands on Wolfenstein RPG. Even though it’s from 2009, it still has plenty of violence and adult humor to make a kid’s head spin.

Die in 100 Ways isn’t exactly a creative title, but they tried and it was a fun enough game to spend a few minutes on so we had to add it to the list. This may look like a kid’s game with the cutesy color schemes and cartoon characters, but be warned because, throughout the entire game, you’re trying to stop Death from murdering people. It’s not exactly a Disney game.

Join us as we try to save kids from future counseling sessions and check out 10 mobile games kids should never play!

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Script by: Jen Weddle
Voice Over by: Michael Neeb
Edited by: Mojo

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