5 Worst And 5 Best Fortnite Locations To Land If You Want A Victory Royale


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With so many landing spots to choose from in Fortnite, it may be difficult to learn which ones are the best and which ones are the worst, but we have you covered.

This is TheGamer’s list of 5 Worst And 5 Best Fortnite Locations To Land If You Want A Victory Royale

Check out these other awesome videos!


The most important question before any game of Fortnite is: where we dropping boys? The location you decide to land on can easily make or break your battle royale and could be the difference to whether you come in 100th place or 1st place. Of course, you want that victory royale, but it might be your landing spots that prevent you from getting it.

With so many great landing spots to choose from in Fortnite, it’s really difficult to decide which ones will increase your odds of getting a Victory Royale and which will lower it. A general rule of thumb is that, the more people who land at a specific location, the less likely you’ll be able to get out of there alive. Season 5 introduced us to some amazing new locations and we’ll get into some of the best and worst landing spots in Fortnite right now.


Script by: Justin Pietrodarchi

Voice Over by: Grant Kellett

Edited by: Lev Seidl

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