5 Anime Secrets Hidden In Video Games

5 Japanese role playing games that have hidden anime references! Subscribe to The Gamer: https://goo.gl/9cpWgf

One of the biggest and best crossovers, in terms of style and fans, is the one between Japanese Role Playing Games, or JRPGs for short, and anime. If it wasn’t for the Japanese cartoons, the games would look and feel a lot different. So perhaps it isn’t any real surprise that there are hidden secrets, references and homages to anime in games.

The Naruto series of anime and manga is something that has broken through its original Japanese market to win over fans all around the world. However, it’s still as loved in its native Japan as it is anywhere else. So it probably won’t come as too much of a surprise to see that it has been referenced in the Dragon Ball franchise and in the roguelike game Rogue Legacy. And fans of Spirited Away will notice that their favorite Japanese animation feels a lot like the cutscenes from Ni no Kuni. In this video, we’re going to tell you just why that is.

With the similarities between anime and JRPGs, there’s no wonder why it can feel like the two sometimes blend into one another. We are going to look at a couple of examples of that here. For example, the game Xenogears has been both a game and an anime. But did you know that it was originally going to be a Final Fantasy game? And we’re going to tell you about how one franchise, Persona, ended up becoming its very own anime franchise.

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Script by: Peter Henn
Voice Over by: Michael Neeb
Edited by: Chris Bashen

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