The Last Jedi Blu-Ray Will Have 14 Deleted Scenes – IGN News

Star Wars: The Last Jedi is getting a Blu-ray release next month and it’ll come packed with a ton of special features. As detailed on, the latest Star Wars film comes out Digital (in HD and 4K Ultra HD) on March 13 and on Blu-ray 4K Ultra HD, Blu-ray, and On-Demand on March 27. The Blu-ray disc will include 14 deleted scenes with an intro and optional commentary from writer-director Rian Johnson. However, not much else about the scenes is currently known.... Read More إقرأ المزيد | Share it now!

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VINTAGE: Superman Unchained Behind-the-Scenes w/ Jim Lee & Scott Snyder

A DC All Access “Vintage” Segment! Superman Unchained was an amazing New 52-era collaboration between writer Scott Snyder and artists Jim Lee, Scott Williams and Alex Sinclair. In this segment from 2014, Tiffany spoke with Snyder, Lee and Sinclair about their process, their approach to working on Superman and their careers in the industry in general.... Read More إقرأ المزيد | Share it now!