Future Galaxy Merger [Ultra HD]

This scientific visualization of a computer simulation depicts the inevitable collision between our Milky Way galaxy and the Andromeda galaxy (also known as Messier 31). NASA Hubble Space Telescope observations indicate that the two galaxies, pulled together by their mutual gravity, will crash together in a near-head-on collision about 4 billion years from now. The thin disk shapes of these spiral galaxies are strongly distorted and irrevocably transformed by the encounter. Around 6 billion years from now, the two galaxies will merge to form a single elliptical galaxy.... Read More إقرأ المزيد | Share it now!

Superman Gets a New Villain in “Super League”

Now that Superman’s regained his powers and defeated Vandal Savage, Kal-El can look forward to smooth sailing for the rest of the spring, right? Ha! No, Superman’s about to face the biggest challenge of his life in the upcoming “Super League,” a two-month crossover event kicking off in April. In this DC All Access comics clip, Superman writer Peter J. Tomasi fills us in on what to expect.... Read More إقرأ المزيد | Share it now!