Running Without Sight and Winning Gold | Short Film Showcase

Cristian Valenzuela is a visually impaired Paralympic champion who won Chile’s first gold medal in 2012 for the 5,000-meter race. Production company Pudim follows Valenzuela as he trains with his guide runner and talks about his life up to this point. After losing his sight at the age of 12, Valenzuela discovered running as a way forward. “The very first time I held the rope and was able to run side by side with a person was a magical moment,” Valenzuela says. “In that exact moment, I felt that maybe I had found the answer and the reason to move on.”
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Centering Yourself Before a Tinder Date | Guided Meditations

Are you psyched about your recent Tinder match? A little nervous your Tinder-fella might not be Prince Charming? Well, we’re here to help. In our first episode of Guided Meditations, our enthusiastic meditation leader tries to help you center yourself before the oh-so-dreaded first date. Turn off the lights and assume the fetal position as you check out the video above. Namaste.... Read More إقرأ المزيد | Share it now!

مشاهير دون سبب منطقى !

( متع عقلك ) | قناة تمنحك رحلة مسلية فى عالم المعرفة والعلم
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كلمة مشاهير تطلق عادة على الأشخاص الموهبين أو الناجحين في مجال ما ولكن هناك بعض الأشخاص الذين حصلوا على لقب مشاهير ونجحوا في جذب كاميرات التصوير إليهم في كل مكان يظهرون فيه ولكنهم في النهاية لا يحملون أي موهبة أو حتى أي من أسباب الشهرة
وهنا نقدم لك 5 مشاهير بلا أى سبب منطقى للشهرة... Read More إقرأ المزيد | Share it now!