1v1 Basketball in Serbia – Red Bull King of the Rock 2015

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Red Bull King of the Rock came back to Serbia for the tournament’s 5th edition, where Bogdan Dragovic left it all on the court and came out a champion. He’ll move on to represent Serbia in the World Finals in Istanbul. Take a look back at the best action from the event!

The fifth edition of the worlds most prestigious 1on1 basketball tournament – Red Bull King of the Rock in Serbia was held on June 14th. In front of huge crowd of 2500 spectators Bogdan Dragovic from Belgrade, after losing in the national finals in 2013 and 2014 finally claimed the title of the King. Bogdan will represent Serbia at the Red Bull King of the Rock world final in Istanbul, Turkey in August 2015.

Peto izdanje najprestižnijeg svetskog 1na1 basket turnira Red Bull King of the Rock održano je u Srbiji 14. juna. Pred više od 2500 gledalaca Beograđanin Bogdan Dragović je nakon učešća u finalima 2013 i 2014 godine najzad uspeo da osvoji titulu kralja. Bogdan će predstavljati Srbiju na svetskom finalu Red Bull King of the Rock turnira koje će biti održano u Istanbulu u Turskoj.


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