10 Weirdest Looking Video Game Characters That Actually Exist

10 WTF Video Game Characters That Will Creep You Out

For the most part, video games outside the horror genre are filled with lovable, adorable characters, but sometimes the developer’s manage to slip something in that came from our collective nightmares.

This is The Gamer’s list of the 10 Weirdest Looking Video Game Characters That Actually Exist.

What’s the weirdest video game character you’ve ever come across?
Do any video game characters give you the creeps?

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Video games are known for their fantastic creatures, characters, and environments. For the most part, developers envision beautiful worlds filled with attractive characters that are well rounded and add to the overall gameplay. The only visual threat usually comes in the form of monsters or a video card going bad. Gamers can typically count on developers to deliver some gorgeous scenery filled with amazing characters. With technology being as advanced as it is now for gaming, it’s no wonder developers want to test the bounds of what they can do.

Of course, there are some video games with some ridiculously messed up characters. Those types of characters are generally reserved for video games in the thriller and horror genre. Let’s face facts, no parent wants their child playing a family friendly game only to run across the weirdest character they’ve ever seen. That’s how you end up with a kid sleeping at the foot of your bed well into their teen years. So it’s a given that most people don’t expect unnecessarily strange characters in normal, everyday video games.

That doesn’t stop developers from stuffing in some nightmare fuel though! Sometimes developers decide to throw in a character in an otherwise normal video game which leaves players scratching their heads. Not only can the characters be out of place in their environment, but sometimes these characters are just plain weird for no discernible reason. In fact, some developers go as far as making the main characters of their titles seriously messed up. Not only are they not attractive or beautiful, but they’re just plain abominations.


Script by: Valerie M

Voice Over by: Denis Luchyshyn

Edited by: Valerie M

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