10 *REAL* Struggles Only OG Gamers Will Understand

In a world before Fortnite, these are 10 Real Struggles only OG gamers could possibly understand

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You see, way back before Free WIFI, Epic Games Battle Royal, Call of Duty, GTA, Red Dead Redemption and all these other fancy open world games… You had us! The Original Gamer! Or OG for short. Now we had somewhat of a different world, filled with “Landlines”, POG’s, and Pokemon! It was in this era, that Video Games, really started taking off. Just like the beginning of any new major move – it had it’s struggles! That’s what this video’s about! If you’re an OG gamer, then you definitely remember a LOT of these.

TheGamer is here to go into the details on old school gaming, and just about everything that made gaming a nightmare! These hardships include things like lugging around your severely limited memory card, dealing with glitchy, dust filled cartridges, trying and failing to master the konami code just to be able to beat a single level, button mashing from the worst of the worst gamer friends and family, and lots of other retro fails that were par for the course while playing nintendo, super nes, sega genesis, and all the rest of the old school consoles. And that’s not even mentioning cheaters!

These are 10 Real Hardships that Only Original Gamers Will Understand.

Let us know which one you struggled with the most!