★ Civilization 5 – Deity #8 – The Secret and Advanced Strategies!

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War Early

On Deity, you MUST focus on war early to mid game. The first 100 turns are all about other civilizations building cities for you to conquer. Then, park your military units around turn 150 and start building up your civilization.

Your intial batch of troops should be able to take out the nearest civ giving you 3-5 cities. Puppet all of them (Raze only if really bad) and annex one or two around Turn 100 depending on your happy faces.

Remember capital cities get defense bonuses, so take it out last if you can so you don’t have to deal with multiple capitals. Also, pillaging their strategic resources makes a huge difference (-50%). If you have China (great generals), Rome (legions), or Greece (Hoplites, Cavalry) nearby – restart game 🙂

Keep the pressure

After taking out first civ, keep the pressure on!!! I used to rest and develop existing cities at this point, but that is a fail strategy on deity as they out tech / produce you so much they will eventually dominate you if you don’t take em out early. If nothing else, at least take out one of the major cities (capital?) while waiting for happy faces. Also, make sure to get them to fight each other (largely based on proximity but can ‘encourage’ via diplomacy) to spread out their forces.

When to stop

Stop when your position is isolated and defendable. Use the extra Great Generals to start Golden Ages when you have many cities to maximize production and gold benefit.

Victory goals

I like diplomacy because I go for the city states anyway and isn’t that hard to unlock united nations. AI civs will always out tech you so, spaceship would be tough. Cultural victory would be difficult without wonders.

Once UN is built, all ai civs will attempt to outbid you on city states. In my last game, once England built UN they had 85K to my 4.5K gold = bad. However, I was able to to get the city state votes I needed (9) same turn UN was built. At that point, I declared war making it impossible for England to outbid me on my city states and without enough time to mount attack on my capital. Watch for ai civ destroying your city states and their votes.


Tech wise, after Ironworking, I usually prioritize Writing (science), Construction (happy faces), and Currency (gold) depending on situation.

At some point can build a settler (only 1) if their is a good city site nearby (or better yet, just annex conquered) although I usually like to wait until turn 100 for that (so capital can build circus max, nat library, etc).

Timing of second city is a critical decision in the early game. You need one or two in order to specialize your economy and build units. Somewhere around turn 100 – 120 I like to have one research city, one gold city, and one prod. city with at least one on coast (for resource and military boats). Often can combine research city with gold city (fish help for this).

City States

Do not ignore city states early on. Beyond the obvious benefits (happy faces, culture, food, units), well placed city states can act as a ‘unit sponge’ vs. opponent civs. This is a huge benefit. The city states match oppenent civs for tech and production bonuses so, may as well use that to your advantage. I prefer maritime city states for early growth, but whatever floats your boat.


You will generally not be able to build (early) wonders on diety level without great engineer rushing. Even then, the cost generally does not outweigh the benefit. A few that I like if I have nothing else going on would be Notre Dame? (happy), Hanging Gardens (food), Chichen Itza (happy) but most of the time I won’t get them in time. Sometimes, ai civs don’t go for Stonehenge and Collosus which is nice for later.

Social Policies

Social policies are fairly set in my opinion. Must go Honor first as is very difficult to win deity without early war. After that Patronage (at least to + science from city states) and Order.


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