Bob Mankoff: Anatomy of a New Yorker cartoon

The New Yorker receives around 1,000 cartoons each week; it only publishes about 17 of them. In this hilarious, fast-paced, and insightful talk, the magazine’s longstanding cartoon editor and self-proclaimed “humor analyst” Bob Mankoff dissects the comedy within just some of the “idea drawings” featured in the magazine, explaining what works, what doesn’t, and why.... Read More إقرأ المزيد | Share it now!

الحلقة765:كيف تحول اي لقطة مضحكة من مقاطع اليوتوب إلى صورة متحركة

الحلقة السابقة كانت حول موضوع :
الحلقة 764: إحمي نفسك من سرقة باسورداتك عن طريق الــ Sniffing وأعرف هوية الهاكر Read More إقرأ المزيد | Share it now!

Peter Attia: What if we’re wrong about diabetes?

As a young ER doctor, Peter Attia felt contempt for a patient with diabetes. She was overweight, he thought, and thus responsible for the fact that she needed a foot amputation. But years later, Attia received an unpleasant medical surprise that led him to wonder: is our understanding of diabetes right? Could the precursors to diabetes cause obesity, and not the other way around? A look at how assumptions may be leading us to wage the wrong medical war.... Read More إقرأ المزيد | Share it now!

Lesley Hazleton: The doubt essential to faith

When Lesley Hazleton was writing a biography of Muhammad, she was struck by something: The night he received the revelation of the Koran, according to early accounts, his first reaction was doubt, awe, even fear. And yet this experience became the bedrock of his belief. Hazleton calls for a new appreciation of doubt and questioning as the foundation of faith — and an end to fundamentalism of all kinds.... Read More إقرأ المزيد | Share it now!