Why we need to fight misinformation about vaccines | Ethan Lindenberger

Ethan Lindenberger never got vaccinated as a kid. So one day, he went on Reddit and asked a simple question: “Where do I go to get vaccinated?” The post went viral, landing Lindenberger in the middle of a heated debate about vaccination and, ultimately, in front of a US Senate committee. Less than a year later, the high school senior reports back on his unexpected time in the spotlight and a new movement he’s leading to fight misinformation and advocate for scientific truth.... Read More إقرأ المزيد | Share it now!

The living tech we need to support human life on other planets | Lynn Rothschild

What would it take to settle Mars? In a talk about the future of space exploration, Lynn Rothschild reviews the immense challenges to living elsewhere in the universe and proposes some bold, creative solutions to making a home off planet Earth — like “growing” houses out of fungi or using bacteria to help generate electricity.... Read More إقرأ المزيد | Share it now!

Elon Musk’s Neuralink, Boston Dynamics, FaceApp Hacks & more – ZONEofTECH NEWS #18

Neuralink, AI, Boston Dynamics Robots, FaceApp & more – ZONEofTECH NEWS 18!
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