The Soundtrack of Red Bull Hart Lines

► CLICK HERE to watch Hart Lines 2015 on Red Bull TV:
The skate world continues to roll on, with Street League in Barcelona and the Vans Pool Party in Orange County, California, set to go off this weekend, but the hype from what went down in Detroit is still top of mind in the skate community. You know who won, you’ve seen the best tricks and biggest bails, you’ve seen it in slow-motion, now sit back, crank the volume, and enjoy the soundtrack of Red Bull Hart Lines.
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تجربة ومقارنة جي ام و فورد و دودج برعاية لومار حسن كتبي

ياسادة ياكرام اهديكم تجربة مصارعة حرة ثلاثية كرا للراعي السادة لومار
تجربة ومقارنة جي ام و فورد و دودج
face book: lomar
Instagram: lomarthobe
Twetter: lomarthobe
شكرا لمتابعتكم حسن كتبي
Comparison GMC Sierra Vs.Ford F150 Vs. Dodge Ram by Hasan Kutbi... Read More إقرأ المزيد | Share it now!

نشرة السادسه” أخبار العرب / قناة – الشاهد 19- 05 – 2015

أخبار العرب
أخــبـــــار العــــرب
صـــــوت كـــل العــــرب
اليـــوم وكـــل يـــوم
نشــــرة إخبـــاريـة عربــية
تـــأتيكم في الاوقــات التاليـة
3pm – 6pm -9pm
تلفزيون الشاهد …..تابعونا على التردد التالى
Nile sat h /10727-5/6... Read More إقرأ المزيد | Share it now!

Pat Moore: Blueprint: An Alaskan Ender | S2E9

CLICK for the helicopter perspective of Alaska:
After scoring all time conditions in Valdez Alaska, Pat rips to the northern end of the Chugatch range for one last heli mission before calling it a season. Pat calls long time friend John Jackson to help lead the way as they show one of snowboarding’s most exciting young talents, Ben Ferguson, the ropes of filming in AK. Ben’s natural talent and fearless approach shown in contest, proves to be a perfect combination for the Alaskan backcountry, and the massive hip that awaits. Ben stokes the fire and sets off the final session of the year by opening up their mega back country hip jump with a laid out switch backside 180 method. Needless to say the boys answer back and close out the season with tricks in the bag and smiles on their faces. ... Read More إقرأ المزيد | Share it now!