The Everyone Ender – Pat Moore: Blueprint – Season 2 Ep10

As the Blueprint 2 crew circled the globe on the hunt for fresh snow and worthy obstacles to exploit, memories were made and tricks were slayed. From Salt Lake Jib City to upstate New York to the Alps to Alaska, the riders hit it all. On top of tricks, the riders offered insights, opinions, stories & struggles but at this point in the season, the time for talk is over. This is the final episode and it’s all action; a highlight reel of the season’s finest moments. Enjoy!
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Arkham Knight Skins for PS4 + Midnighter (DCAA 316)

It’s an all new DC Universe, and DC All Access will be bringing you the latest all month long. This week, we look at Batman Beyond and Justice League’s “Darkseid War” and discuss Midnighter with series writer Steve Orlando and The Advocate’s Jase Peeples. Also, we get a glimpse of some of the Batman: Arkham Knight skins that are exclusive to PS4 and take a look at the latest DC Super Hero rides and attractions hitting theme parks this summer. And don’t forget to stay tuned to see which of our Convention Correspondent finalists made it to the next round!... Read More إقرأ المزيد | Share it now!

هل تتخيل نجمات زمن الفن الجميل بألوان 2015…إدخل وإكتشف بنفسك

يقولون إن جزء من سحر «سينما الزمن الجميل» إنها كانت بالأبيض والأسود، قبل أن تحتل الألوان الشاشة ويتبدل معها كل شيء. وهناك ملايين أحبوا عيون زبيدة ثروت دون رؤيتها ملونة، وقوام هند رستم دون رتوش، ورموش سعاد حسني دون إضافات، وغيرها من السمات التي تميز بها هذا الجيل المسمى «جيل الأبيض والأسود».... Read More إقرأ المزيد | Share it now!