الحلقة الثانية: أول يوم في المدرسة! #افتح يا سمسم – First Day At School – Iftah Ya Simsim Episode 2

اليومُ مميَّزٌ جدّاً في (افتحْ يا سمسم) ، فهوَ اليومُ الأوَّلُ للمدرسةِ، شاهدْ الأصدقاءَ في (افتحْ يا سمسم) مستعدّين ومتحمّسين لهذا اليومِ!... Read More إقرأ المزيد | Share it now!

EXCLUSIVE: Confronting an Accused Ivory Smuggler | National Geographic

The largest seizure of illegal ivory in Africa in more than a quarter century took place in the country of Togo, which has no wild elephants. Investigative journalist Bryan Christy traveled to the port in Lomé, Togo, where more than four tons of illegal ivory was detected by local authorities. Dinh Huu Khao, arrested and suspected of being a major ivory-trade kingpin, sits down with Christy and denies his involvement with the discovery.
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