Brooklyn Pizza Sold Out Of A One Bedroom Apartment

Miriam Weiskind gave up her career as an art director to bake pizza out of her tiny one bedroom apartment in Brooklyn. At the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, baking pizza was the one thing, aside from running, that gave her hope. She’s been slinging small batch pies out of her apartment since. Miriam loves the art of pizza making and is determined to share it with those who need it most; she sells her pizzas on a donation-based model and offers free pies to front-line workers, those laid off in the pandemic, or for anyone who simply needs it. Her signature pies include classic New York style pizza, wood-fired Neapolitan pizza, a Sicilian pie that’s an ode to Michael Jordan, and even a pineapple pizza with a Jewish twist. People can place orders through her Instagram, @thezareport, with wait times spanning 3 weeks to 1 month.... Read More إقرأ المزيد | Share it now!

طريقة رائعة لمنع الإعلانات المزعجة في جميع اجهزتك دون تتبيث اي برامج او تطبيقات

في درسنا لهذا اليوم سأعلمك طريقة رائعة و إحترافية ستنهي معاناتك مع الإشهارات المزعجة بدون الحاجة إلى اي برامج او تطبيقات او اي إعدادات في الحواسيب او الهواتف . يكفي ان توصل جهازك بالانترنت ولن تضهر الإشهارات !! ممتع اليس كذلك ؟؟ فرجة ممتعة ... Read More إقرأ المزيد | Share it now!