اغرب 12 مبني في العالم – لن تصدقهم انهم حقيقة

( متع عقلك ) | قناة تمنحك رحلة مسلية فى عالم المعرفة والعلم
أشترك معنا الأن – بالضغط على زر أشتراك ليصلك كل ما هو جديد
قناة متع عقلك الرئـــيـسـيـة ◄ http://bit.ly/2biocr1
قناة متع عقلك | حـــقــائــق ◄ http://bit.ly/2bwiDJt
قناة متع عقلك | شـخصيات ◄ https://goo.gl/QqcMkz
قناة متع عقلك | ألغاز ◄ https://goo.gl/Mrxggy
قناة متع عقلك | رياضة ◄ https://goo.gl/b7BWWJ
قناة متع عقلك | لايــت ◄ goo.gl/zgezQ0
تابعوني علي تــــويتــــــــر ◄ https://twitter.com/mata3_3a2lak
تابعو صفحة الفـيـسـبـــــوك ◄ https://www.facebook.com/mata33a2lak
تابعونا على انستجرام ◄ https://bit.ly/38lGdDj
أليك أغرب 14 مبنى في العالم , مبانى لن تصدق انها توجد بالفعل في هذا العالم ويسكنها بشر :... Read More إقرأ المزيد | Share it now!

Fried Rice and XO Sauce That’s Better Than Takeout

Brandon Jew of Mister Jiu’s in San Fransisco makes fried rice in his home kitchen. Using day-old rice is the key to getting the rice perfectly toasted, and making an aromatic XO sauce ensures the final dish is packed with flavor. Brandon makes his XO sauce by finely dicing his veggies such as green garlic, leek, ginger and daikon, sautéing them in clarified butter and adding spicy salami and shrimp. He then toasts the rice in a cast iron pan before adding the sauce and a scrambled egg, resulting in a quick and easy meal that will satisfy your takeout cravings.... Read More إقرأ المزيد | Share it now!

Dr. Ken Duckworth & David Feinberg, MD – Finding mental health resources for your loved ones

“There’s an empathy experience that people are having because all of us are experiencing some measure of unknowns, uncertainties, and the potential for disruption in our lives. So we appreciate anxiety and anxiety disorders in a way that I think many people didn’t before.” – Dr. Ken Duckworth. Ken and David Feinberg, MD discuss resources in the time of COVID-19 for caregivers of those with mental health challenges, as well as why NAMI and Google partnered to release a self-assessment for anxiety. #BeKindtoYourMind #MentalHealthAwareness #Morethaneverbefore #NotAlone... Read More إقرأ المزيد | Share it now!